Tuesday, June 19, 2012

HD Porn Notes - Introduction and Discussion

What follows is a brief discussion of the true meaning of HD porn, the focus of my adult websites and of this blog. This is a rather boring way to begin a new porn blog, but don't worry - we'll be back soon with some entertaining hardcore photos and videos, shown in high resolution, of course.

HD porn is simply pornography displayed in so-called high definition. The term can be applied to both photographic and video porn. In general terms, HD porn can be said to include any visual depiction of adult nudity or sexual behavior created and viewed in a high resolution format.

Semantic confusion sometimes arises over whether a picture/photograph or movie item must contain a certain minimum number of total pixels or possess minimum pixel dimensions, usually expressed as width x length, in order to be considered truly HD. For example, 1080p is a common HD designation and describes a video or image measuring 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall. In the case of HD porn and other high definition media, such measurements describe not only the optimal size for displaying and viewing the image or video, but also the resolution at which the item was captured, encoded and stored.

In common parlance, especially with regard to porn streamed over the internet, the term HD porn is often applied more loosely, and used to describe any erotic or sexual media possessing relatively high resolution. Although this is a subjective distinction, it is important to emphasize the description is properly and scrupulously applied only on the basis of objective technical qualities, if these are known. If not known, it is reasonable to characterize any sharp, clear, high-quality porn image or video as HD porn.

Modern day websites publishing free high definition porn - for example, see these HD porn movies - must strive to display content with superior resolution and clarity while also minimizing several drawbacks of providing high resolution media via the internet. These include longer loading and downloading times, problematic streaming with potential loss of video integrity, and greatly increased website hosting costs. These drawbacks result from the very large file sizes of HD porn movies, with the amount of data present and thus file size being directly proportionate to pixel dimensions and resolution.

sexy blond girl in HD porn photo

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